Your actions define who you are, not your words — in fact, your words simply indicate who you want to be and not who you are if your day-to-day actions do not reflect them. Learn the valuable skills to set proper priorities and the accountability tool you need to stay consistent and flourishing.

Prioritizing and Parenthood:
How Our Actions Shape Family Dynamics

Today’s question is about what we all fall prey to as a result of overly scheduled lives, stress and the need to "escape." Parents like kids often find ourselves doing activities not aligned with our priorities — often priorities that we know to be most important. So how do we stay aligned with our actions so that we stay consistent with our priorities and demonstrate healthy behavior for our kids?

P.T.S.D. Point of View

I'm (Jason Selk) excited to dive into a topic that's near and dear to my heart: parenthood and priorities. As a performance coach, I've seen firsthand the profound impact that setting priorities can have on our lives – and parenthood is no exception. In this exploration, we'll uncover the transformative power of aligning our actions with our priorities as parents, and how doing so can lead us to become the best versions of ourselves and create the family life we've always dreamed of.

Actions Speak Louder than Words

In my line of work, I often say that actions speak louder than words, and nowhere is this more evident than in parenting. Our children aren't just listening to what we say – they're watching what we do. Our actions – how we show up for them, how we handle challenges, how we prioritize our time – speak volumes, shaping their perceptions of the world and influencing their own behaviors.

Research in psychology confirms what I've seen time and time again: parental modeling is a powerful force in shaping children's development. When we prioritize kindness, empathy, and resilience in our actions, we set a powerful example for our children to follow. And when we control our urges and temptations for unhealthy behavior like doomscrolling, various vices and our attitude and treatment of others, we are molding the future behavior of our children too.

Setting Priorities as Parents

Parenthood is a balancing act, filled with competing demands and never-ending to-do lists. But if we want to create a family life that reflects our values and aspirations, we need to learn to set priorities that are consistent with our vision for our family.

So, what does that look like? It means making intentional choices about how we spend our time, energy, and resources. It means identifying what matters most to us as individuals and as a family, and taking deliberate action to align our actions with those priorities.

For me, that means prioritizing quality time with my kids, fostering open communication, and leading by example in everything I do. It means making sure that my actions are in line with my values and goals as a parent, and that I'm showing up for my family in the best way possible.

Becoming the Best Version of Ourselves and Ourselves as Parents

The real magic that happens when we align our actions with our priorities: we become the best versions of ourselves. When we commit to living in alignment with our values and aspirations, we unlock our full potential as parents and as individuals.

When we prioritize kindness, empathy, and resilience in our actions, we not only create a more loving and supportive environment for our children, but we also cultivate these virtues within ourselves. We become more compassionate, more resilient, and more capable of facing life's challenges head-on.

In essence, aligning our actions with our priorities allows us to live authentically and with purpose. It empowers us to lead by example, to show our children what it means to live a life of integrity, passion, and meaning. And in doing so, we create a legacy of love and strength that will endure for generations to come.

Creating the Family Life We've Always Dreamed Of

Picture a family filled with love, laughter, and mutual respect – a family where each member feels valued, supported, and empowered to be their authentic selves.

Achieving this vision requires intentional effort and a commitment to aligning our actions with our priorities. It means making time for meaningful connections with our children, fostering a culture of open communication and understanding, and creating rituals and traditions that strengthen our family bonds.

It also means being willing to adapt and evolve as our priorities shift and our children grow. Parenthood is a dynamic and ever-changing journey, and our ability to set and adjust our priorities accordingly is key to creating the family life we've always dreamed of.

You Must Learn to Prioritize and that Prioritizing is a Discipline

Setting priorities consistent with our aspirations as parents is a powerful tool for shaping our family dynamics and creating the life we've always dreamed of. By aligning our actions with our values, we become the best versions of ourselves and set a positive example for our children to follow. But setting priorities especially if they are not done almost daily and limited to your most important three can be a hazard. Here are a few strategies to consider, accountability being a critical ingredient to your success — the key tool for each of these taught in Level Up is Prioritizing, so have a listen and learn the other important tools in the coming days and weeks.

As we embark on this journey of parenthood, let's remember that our actions speak louder than words. Let's commit to setting priorities that reflect our deepest values and aspirations, and let them guide us in creating a family life filled with love, joy, and endless possibilities. Together, we can build the family life we've always dreamed of – one intentional action at a time.

Dr. Jason Selk

Written By Dr. Jason Selk

Co-Founder, Level Up Game Plan

Dr. Jason Selk is a renowned mental performance coach and author, specializing in mental toughness and high-performance training. As the Director of Mental Training for the St. Louis Cardinals, he helped the team win two World Series titles. Dr. Selk's mission with Level Up Game Plan is to equip parents with practical tools to improve mental health and family well-being.