Level Up Mental Health App for Parents and Executives

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Level Up meant for, just for parenting?
Level Up is used by professional athletes and Olympians to Fortune 100 executives, financial advisors to aspiring high school varsity players, tired moms, lost husbands and anyone looking to improve their performance to win more (however that is defined for you) with less stress and more joy.
Why do I need Level Up?
Sadly, the world and our lives have become busier, wealthier, with more choice and opportunity than ever before BUT less happy, more stressful and with higher anxiety for the majority. Use Level Up to win more or win the same but with less stress and lots more joy.
Why does Level Up incorporate mental fortitude training as part of its promise to help with parenting, happier family, career advancement and upgrading lifestyle?
Mental toughness can have a positive impact on your career and income in several ways:

  1. Enhanced Focus and Clarity: Mental toughness can help you improve your focus and clarity, enabling you to set clear goals and priorities. This clarity can lead to better decision-making and improved performance in your career, ultimately increasing your chances of success and higher income.
  2. Increased Confidence: Mental toughness can boost your self-confidence and self-belief, helping you overcome self-doubt and perform at your best. Confidence is essential for taking on new challenges, seizing opportunities, and negotiating for better career prospects or income.
  3. Improved Resilience and Stress Management: Mental toughness equips you with strategies to handle stress, setbacks, and challenges more effectively. Resilience allows you to bounce back from difficulties, maintain a positive mindset, and stay motivated in pursuit of your career goals, ultimately leading to higher income potential.
  4. Enhanced Leadership Skills: Mental toughness can improve your leadership abilities, such as communication, decision-making, and interpersonal skills. Strong leadership skills can open doors to promotions, greater responsibilities, and higher-paying positions.
  5. Optimized Performance and Productivity: Mental toughness can help you develop effective habits, routines, and strategies to maximize your performance and productivity. This can lead to greater efficiency, higher-quality work, and increased value to your employer or clients, potentially translating into career advancement and higher income.
  6. Improved Work-Life Balance: Mental toughness emphasizes the importance of work-life balance, helping you manage your time, set boundaries, and prioritize self-care. Achieving a healthier balance can lead to reduced burnout, increased job satisfaction, and improved overall well-being, indirectly contributing to your long-term career and income potential.

The specific impact on your career and income will depend on various factors, including your commitment, application of strategies, and external circumstances.
How can mental fortitude and executive functioning help with my life goals?
Mental toughness refers to the ability to remain strong and resilient in the face of challenging or stressful situations. It's about having the inner strength and determination to persevere, even when things get tough.

People who are mentally tough are able to stay focused on their goals, handle setbacks and failures with grace, and bounce back quickly from adversity. They are also able to stay calm and composed under pressure, and are able to maintain a positive outlook and mindset, even in difficult circumstances.

Overall, mental toughness is an important trait that can help you succeed in all aspects of life, from your personal relationships to your professional pursuits.
What is mental fitness and how can it help me?
Mental fitness refers to the state of your mental health and wellbeing, and your ability to cope with the challenges and stressors of everyday life. Just as physical fitness is important for maintaining good physical health, mental fitness is important for maintaining good mental health.

Having good mental fitness can help you in many ways. For example:

  1. Improved resilience: When you are mentally fit, you are better able to bounce back from setbacks and challenges. You are able to maintain a positive outlook and mindset, even in difficult circumstances.
  2. Better stress management: Mental fitness allows you to manage stress in a healthy way, which can help reduce the negative impact stress can have on your physical and mental health.
  3. Improved mood: Good mental fitness can lead to a more positive mood and outlook on life.
  4. Better cognitive function: Mental fitness can improve cognitive function, including memory, attention, and problem-solving skills.
  5. Improved relationships: When you are mentally fit, you are better equipped to handle relationships and social situations, which can lead to better communication, more meaningful connections, and healthier relationships overall.

There are many ways to improve your mental fitness, such as practicing mindfulness, engaging in regular exercise, getting enough sleep, and seeking professional help if needed. The Level Up program is designed to help you build mental fitness through daily mental training.
What is the best way to learn to be self-confident and boost self-esteem?
It is essential to understand that mental toughness is ABNORMAL. Our brains are designed so that we recognize all that is going wrong with our lives and our world before focusing on solutions and positivity. This is normal. Unfortunately, normal in this case makes us incredibly susceptible to stress, worry, anxiety, pressure, and underperformance. Just like you can learn any other skill, you can learn to be mentally tough. Like anything else, it just takes practice and consistency. Level Up provides this practice and consistency like nothing else out there. You will learn to be better able to RECOGNIZE your negative thought patterns, and know how to REPLACE them. You will set SPECIFIC goals, and gain the confidence that you are doing what it takes each day to achieve those goals. Through the Level Up app, you will RETRAIN your brain each day to make mental toughness your new normal.
What is experiential learning, and why is it better?
Didactic learning is the traditional approach to learning where information is presented in a lecture-style format, while experiential learning involves a more hands-on, interactive approach where learners actively engage in the learning process through practical activities, experiments, and real-world experiences. In didactic learning, the teacher is the primary source of information, while in experiential learning, the learners are encouraged to discover and explore knowledge on their own through experimentation and reflection.

Level Up works better than reading books or watching online video courses because the program is designed with experiential learning methods. Each masterclass video lesson incorporates only one topic such as self-confidence, and your performance coach explains the biological basis for normal human behavior and how to train your mind to improve your outcomes. Then you're guided through prompts in the app to practice this mental training on a daily basis. After a few days of practicing each technique, you will watch another video lesson and another practical activity will be added to your daily mental training. You can skip the video lesson anytime if you don't have time to watch that day. In 30-45 days you will complete the foundational lessons to create your personalized 3-minute, 40-second daily mental training. If you continue with this daily mental training, you should see significant improvement in your overall success, health and happiness.
Is my data in the app private and secure?
Absolutely. Being as honest as you can as you train ensures the best outcome, so we take privacy extremely seriously. All of your personal information and data that you enter in the app are stored in encrypted form to ensure that nobody, inside or outside of the company, can view or access any of your data.
How do I use Level Up?
As you progress through Dr. Selk's curriculum, you will learn new methods and practice with Dr. Selk and eventually train and retrain your brain. All of that without spending more than 5-10 minutes each day.

Dr. Selk firmly believes in simplification and NOT over-coaching, the biggest mistake of many coaches. You will learn and master each nugget, perfectly programmed to make it easy via software with every nugget progressing towards mastery.

The very best way to use Level Up is on your smartphone. Level Up is built as a progessive web application, cutting-edge mobile application software, allowing you to access Level Up on any mobile device. Easily add Level Up to your homescreen like other native apps and benefit from having Dr. Selk coaching you when you need it with the convenience and access of your phone.
How do I download the app?
You don't have to download the app. Level Up is developed using Progressive Web App technology that takes advantage of the latest technologies to combine the best of web and mobile apps. You experience the same responsive interactions within the app, notifications, and touch screen gestures you expect without downloading an app from the App Store or Google Play, taking up storage, and waiting forever for developers to fix issues or enhance features.

However, to get the best feature of having instant access to the Level Up app from your device home screen, you need to follow a few simple steps that take less than 30 seconds. After you sign up, follow these instructions to add Level Up to your home screen.
How much does Level Up cost?
For the first time ever, Dr. Jason Selk has digitized his proprietary mental performance method that combines concepts he has written about in his bestseller books with video lessons AND interactive training software to replicate what only a few thousand people have experienced in the past two decades of Dr. Selk's work.

Clients who learn this exact method via live sessions would pay in excess of $12,000 and much more to train with Dr. Selk in person. With a current wait list of more than a year, Dr. Selk is excited to bring Level Up to anyone who is looking for a positive and major impact in their life.

All past clients have experienced positive transformation, and Dr. Selk is so confident you will too, your results are 100% guaranteed. You can use the Level Up app for free for 10 training sessions. After you sign up with full membership, if you don't see the results you are looking for, you can cancel anytime and receive a prorated refund for the remaining days in your subscription — ZERO questions asked. See the pricing page for more information.
What is the happier family and executive success guarantee?
Though 100% of all past clients of Dr. Selk have experienced positive transformation, if you don't see the results you are looking for, you can cancel ANY TIME. By cancelling, you will be refunded the portion of your membership you do not use so there is ZERO risk.

Like any new skill and transformation, mastery takes time and effort so we ask that you try Level Up for 30 days. Then anytime after that, simply go to your profile page in the Level Up app, tap on the subscription, and then tap the Cancel Subscription button. Your prorated refund for the days remaining in your membership will be processed with ZERO questions asked.
Learn more about the Level Up mental health app for parents and executives.