Parents are more than just caregivers—and have human vulnerabilities. Learn effective, science-backed mental preparation tools designed specifically for parents and kids. Join our community today to begin your family’s journey towards a happier and more successful life.
Level Up is Your Gateway to a Stress Free Life
Whether you are a mom, dad, caregiver, or teenager — family life is not immune from stress, anxiety, exhaustion, burnout, work life imbalance.
Based on cognitive behavior therapists Dr. Jason Selk & Dr. Ellen Reed’s 40+ years of experience.
The relationship between parents and their family’s happiness evolves with each generation. Together, we can create generational change by proactively taking action to ensure that the next generation of kids and families have the skills to be happy and successful.
Founded by Dr Jason Selk, our research has helped us grow as a brand that embraces the beauty, warmth and love for parenthood. We’re all about fostering parents to connect with themselves.
Our app, programs and resources offer education and practice from a beginner level through to in-depth skill development. Our content is always led by evidence and backed by research.
Level Up operates for the collective social benefit and all funds earned feed back into our mission—not into pockets. Your support helps us keep mental wellbeing tools in the hands that need them.
Changing the way people think and nurture their mental health, Level Up aims to create generational change by providing the right tools to parents who want to grow with their children.
The relationship between parents and their happiness & success improves with daily habits. The Level Up Game Plan Daily Journal helps parents take proactive steps toward well-being. In just six weeks, 96.7% of parents reported improvement in happiness and performance through prompted journaling. Together, we can equip parents and your kids with the tools for a healthier, more balanced and successful life.